$zkAI Token
Contract Address: 0x3F4a7a1108F2B3146C924766e772c29569d801f0
Network: Arbitrum
Token Name: zkAI
Symbol: zkAI
Decimals: 9
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Initial Circulation: 800,000,000
Allocation | Percent | Amount | Unlock |
Fairlaunch | 80% | 800,000,000 | 100% |
AI Innovator | 10% | 100,000,000 | 6 months cliff, unlock 5% monthly |
Team | 5% | 50,000,000 | 6 months cliff, unlock 5% monthly |
Community | 5% | 50,000,000 | Unlock 5% monthly |
Proof of locking the $zkAI token: https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/detail/0x3F4a7a1108F2B3146C924766e772c29569d801f0?chain=Arbitrum
$zkAI Fairlaunch on SushiSwap at 3:00 PM UTC on Feb 14, 2023
Last updated